STOCKHOLM We started our trip in Stockholm a day or so before the summer solstice. Unfortunately this meant that loads of people were leaving the city to go camping with there loved ones and a case of wine.
Stockholm is made up of connected islands. It is roughly 1/3 water. It has some nice tight walking streets similar to Copenhagen & Amsterdamn in parts (Fred thought). This is in the Gamla Stan (old town). Nobel Museum to the right.

ABOVE: Stortorget is the big square.

Stockholm wasn't totally deserted as we made out earlier. People were still out walking and shopping, smoking, and eating.

Stockholm Palace or Kungliga Slottet is on the Stadsholmen (city island) in the Gamla Stan. The royal court and offices of the monarchy are here. The ruling monarchy has a private residence as well.
We were lucky enough to catch the changing of the guard in the outer courtyard, which can be boring depending on the palace and the country. Riveting.
Stockhom does score high marks on palace courtyard grooming. While not elaborate and compicated it is very neat and tidy.

A guard holding his post with a pretty good gun that isn't all for show.

RIGHT: We thought these phones were neat.

Another overcast day but you get use to it. Below is one of the main waterway areas that we saw coming down from the palace out of the Gamla Stan.

BELOW: Is Riksdag or the Swedish Parliament. This was a nice big area to walk around.
Norrström: Another of the main waterways in central Stockholm. It connects the Baltic sea to Lake Malaren.
Sveriges största konstmuseum
This museum had a little bit of everything. Paintings, carvings, lace, fake food settings, and big replica boats out front.
This lace to use seems similar to the lace making in Brugge.

Kräftpremiären (Crayfish Premier Day). In 1878 a law was passed to prevent the selling of crayfish and fish in June and July. The first day allowed to sell is call Crayfish Premier Day. Obviously worth a big meal and celebration.


BELOW: the Storkyrkan (Royal Cathedral of Sweden)
Again, Moe imitating the many tourist tribal leaders. Above: Kopmantorget; this image is seen around a lot of places. It is George slaying the dragon. The English flag is the St George Cross and there's an Australian rugby club called the St George Dragons

We stayed at the Solna Youth Hostel it was half campsite half makeshift trailer home place. It was in retrospect, too far outside of the city. It was the last stop on one of the train stops.

The food there though was damn good. We ate there two nights because it was so good.

Picture of our room at about 2330. This is proabably June 21st.